Mental Breakdown

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Mental Breakdown icon

Mental Breakdown
Thought Control (45 skill required)
Incapacitates the target for up to 3 turns and reduces its resolve by 50%. If a detrimental thought control psi ability is invoked against the target during this period it will have double the effect, but will end the mental breakdown.
Action Points: 10
Psi: 60
Range: 5.0
Cooldown: 8 turns

Any damage to the target will break incapacitation. Resolve is used to resist and mitigate the effects of psionic abilities.

Your effective Thought Control skills affects the chance of targets resisting the effect.


Related feats

Status effect

Mental Breakdown icon

Mental Breakdown
This character is incapacitated and suffering 50% reduced resolve. If a detrimental thought control psi ability is invoked against them it will have double the effect, but will end the mental breakdown.
Duration: 3 turns

Mental breakdown is an incapacitation effect.

Mental breakdown's effect on other detrimental thought control abilities: