Gunslinger (feat)

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Gunslinger is a feat.


Gunslinger feat icon Gunslinger
Reduces the amount of action points required to fire pistols by 3 and increases initiative by 7 while wielding one. Only applies to firearms.


The flat AP cost reduction is counted after any AP cost reduction you may have from Dexterity. It only applies to firearms, not chemical and energy pistols. Chemical pistol AP costs can be reduced by wearing an Advanced Catalyzing Belt.


  • Gunslinger (5 levels) — Further increases the initiative bonus by 1 for each specialization point.


Underrail 1.0

  • - now reduces firearm pistol usage ap cost by 3 (up from 2) and also increases initiative by 7

Underrail Beta

  • - AP reduction changed to 2 (down from 3) and only applies to firearms now.

Underrail Alpha