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Eviscerate is a feat and a special attack.


Eviscerate feat icon Eviscerate
Grants you a special knife attack that removes all bleeding wounds from the target and deals 50% bonus damage for each bleeding wound removed.

Cooldown: 1 turn.



  • - melee requirement increased from 65 to 80
  • - bonus damage changed from 100% to 50%
  • - feat introduced


Eviscerate icon

Perform a special knife attack that removes all bleeding wounds from the target and deals 50% bonus damage for each bleeding wound removed.
Action Points: Active weapon's AP cost
Cooldown: 1 turn

The eviscerate attack is an extremely powerful finisher for characters who specialize in causing Bleeding Wounds. There is no hard upper limit to how many wounds eviscerate can remove, but for practical purposes its power is only limited by how many wounds a target can take before dying.

Wounds removed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n
Damage (%) 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 100+50*n

Using eviscerate on a target with no bleeding wounds deals normal knife attack damage.


  • Damage ( levelExpression error: Unexpected > operator.) — Increases the bonus damage per bleeding wound by {0}% for each specialization point.